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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Next-Gen Interfaces

Many of these next-gen interfaces will not have the user control the computer through commands, but will have the computer adapt the dialogue to the user's needs based on its inferences from observing the user. Most current user interfaces are fairly similar and belong to one of two common types: Either the traditional alphanumeric full screen terminals with a keyboard and function keys, or the more modern WIMP workstations with windows, icons, menus, and a pointing device.
An alternative model is emerging in object-oriented operating systems where the basic object of interest is the user's document. Any given document can contain sub objects of many different types, and the system will take care of activating the appropriate code to display, print, edit, or email these data types as required. The main difference is that the user no longer needs to think in terms of running applications, since the data knows how to integrate the available functionality in the system